Video Time!

How’s you day?  Mine’s been fucked.  Here’s some videos, so cheer up.  I did and I was really pissed off before.

This first one is this week’s post for The Blogging Times:

The URL for this video is

This next one is another installment for The Angry News:

The URL for this video is:

In a disturbing turn of events, an increasing number of YouTube viewers are saying they are hearing about these news stories from me first.  The world really is going to hell in a handbasket if I’m a reliable news source.


Filed under Video Blogging

4 responses to “Video Time!

  1. brightblader

    Actually, the reason we’re hearing the news from you first is because many youtubers are american. And while Austraila considers a plane crash killing 155 news, America would rather here about, y’know, American Idol or some shit like that.
    God Bless America, eh?


  2. Hahahaha, cruel but fair brightblader


  3. bigstarlet

    Prophetic and wise words r.e. Mark Cuban, Mr. Angry. Especially that last remark.

    I guess Google was the right moron, no?


  4. exactly! and I don’t think you’ll find many people who think Cuban is smarter than the Google guys. I’m a genius, I should do this for a living 😉 I recorded this 2 days before techcrunch published the rumour btw.


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