Reasons YouTube Sucks

One thing YouTube has in common with every online environment I’ve experienced in the last ten or so years is that it’s full of bitchfights.  I’ve voiced my own displeasure (in my usual restrained way) with its shortcomings both on this blog and on YouTube itself but even I think there’s a few people who need to sit down to a three-course serving of calm the fuck down.

I actually had a video of my own taken down by the powers that be for being “inappropriate” for the first time recently.  This is enough reason in itself for me to get pissed off at the YouTube administrators again but it’s far more the way they do things than what they do that pisses me off.  In short, their decision making process is completely opaque – they provide no communication about what they’re doing or why they’re doing it.  Considering they’re providing a service that allows for unprecedented levels of open communication this is almost ironic.  It isn’t quite ironic – it would be more accurate to call in mind-fucking-bogglingly stupid.

Take my case; the video they took down had been up for about three months without causing the collapse of western civilisation.  I say “about” because I don’t know when it was taken down because I was given no notification whatsoever of the takedown.  It would be obnoxious enough if I was told about it and given no opportunity for recourse but I wasn’t even told that it had happened.  I stumbled across the fact by accident when I was randomly going through my rather large collection of videos checking stats.  One among 150 doesn’t exactly stand out. 

Now, the “inappropriate content” in question was obviously the semi-nude image right in the middle of the video.  This is a little game you can play on YouTube – whatever image is in the exact centre of the video is what gets “grabbed” as the image to represent the video.  So if you couple a suggestive image with a series of suggestive tags, all of which are completely irrelevant to the body of the video, you catch a bunch of horny YouTubers looking for some hot porn action.  I’ve done this twice for a bit of a laugh – included a bunch of my out-takes with a suggestive image in the middle – and the two videos were viewed over 100,000 times.

There are a number of things about the decision to remove this video that are amazingly stupid (on top of how unforgiveably fucked it is to not even tell me about it.)  First, the concept that a bit of butt crack is offensive is blindingly stupid.  Second, the video had been up for months – it was no longer possible for someone to stumble upon it randomly so it could only be found by people deliberately searching for it (i.e. people looking for porn).  The fact that the video could only be found by someone looking for porn content leads me to believe that the complaint lodged against it was malicious, not genuine outrage by some poor soul who was offended by it.

The malicious individual could fall into one of a number of camps (based on my experience).  First, they might be a common or garden variety hater who simply saw this as an opportunity to fuck with me.  Second, they might have been a specific type of hater with a specific axe to grind against me.  This is most likely to be a racist/nazi or a Michelle Malkin supporter.  The MM crowd could just possibly be mad at me because after using the image I had the thought that one of the women looked kinda sorta like Malkin and so I promoted the blog post as “Michelle Malkin’s secret lesbian sex tape”.  Now if anyone happens to type “michelle malkin lesbian” into a search engine they get pointed to me.  Whoops.

The funny thing is, if you look at the blog post, you can’t play the video but the grabbed image still comes up with a message saying the video is no longer available.  So the central joke is still there.  Ha fucking ha you piece of shit loser haters.

But what it all comes back to is the thing that really pisses me off about YouTube is the complete lack of communication with users.  They can’t be unaware of what’s making users angry because people are making dozens of videos about what they hate every day.  But they don’t communicate with the YouTube community as a whole to let them know that the concerns are understood and being acted on.  Hey geniuses, POST A FUCKING VIDEO BLOG!  The things that suck about YouTube that the YouTube administrators are doing a pissweak job of addressing include:

  1. They seem completely unconcerned that people are using the reporting/complaint process in a malicious way rather than to express genuinely felt offence.  My case is relatively minor, several users have had their accounts banned simply because they were controversial and some dedicated haters constantly attacked them.
  2. The comment and messaging systems are utterly fucked.  Somehow they can manage the awesome act of serving up hundreds of millions of videos but they can’t get a simple system for community interaction working.  The only conclusion I can draw from this is that they don’t care.  YouTube ignores this at their peril.  Hey competitors: don’t waste your time trying to lure YouTubers with payment systems, create a community that works and users will come in droves!
  3. Everything in their rating system is absurdly easy to game.  Like the commenting system, this would be comparatively trivial to fix.  YouTube simply seem to have totally underestimated how important this is to the community.  I don’t get as worked up about this as a lot of people do, but it’s really annoying that their ratings systems are so easily abused.
  4. Their selection criteria for “featured” videos is completely opaque.  This is a major feature of the site and can easily be worth hundreds of thousands of views and instant “fame”.  Some really good videos have been featured and this has brought a lot of attention to people who really deserved it.  But a lot of really fucked videos have been featured as well.  If I see one more “cute animal” video gets featured, someone will pay.  Seriously.  I don’t need to see another fucking video of a fucking bunny eating fucking lettuce.  Fuck!

Does that last paragraph make me sound bitter?  Can you tell I’ve never been featured?  Would I complain a lot less if I was featured and suddenly gained thousands of subscribers?  Hell yes!

So what it all comes down to is YouTube ignoring their community.  As the folk stories tell it, the original concept for the site was very community oriented but it got real big real quick.  I should throw in the standard disclaimers so this doesn’t sound totally whiny.  YouTube is free and it’s a little churlish to whine about free services.  The founders picked up a few billion bucks worth of Google stock for their work so they could feel justified in thinking they’re doing the right things despite the whinings of poor know-nothing users.  But this goes beyond wanting more features for free (although I do want more features.  For free.)

This is the single biggest threat to YouTube’s long term viability.  So-called analysts keep pointing to competitors offering to pay content creators as the biggest threat to YouTube.  Guess what?  These competitors have been offering payment for a while now and neither users nor creators have left YouTube in droves.  The one high profile creator who tried to jump ship to Revver, the creators of “Lonelygirl15”, failed miserably and came slinking back to YouTube.  A competitor that remedies every problem YouTube is having with “community” and comes across as responsive to user complaints is in a very strong position to do some very serious damage to YouTube.


Filed under Video Blogging

73 responses to “Reasons YouTube Sucks

  1. Censorship sucks. Then again, I wouldn’t want to see any kiddie porn making its way on YouTube. Anyways, I don’t give a shit anymore about the whole YouTube thing. Been there done that. I like your vids Mr Angry and I am totally appalled that they took one of them down. Imagine the amount of time that must take.


  2. YouTube only respond when someone complains. Revver view and rate all videos before putting them up. Imagine how long that takes!


  3. Must take for F ever.

    YouTube should try a community run project, bloggers and users have a way of running themselves. Then again, you get assholes and idiots trying to throw shit on you projects as well.


  4. These two phrases stuck out to me.

    mind-fucking-bogglingly stupid


    fucking bunny eating fucking lettuce

    Now put them together.

    YouTube is a mind-fucking-bogglingly stupid fucking bunny eating fucking lettuce.


  5. range: the users on YT are completely untrustworthy – all sorts of psycho character assasination and personal attacks going on. Revver have taken an interesting approach, as i see it, they are specifically limiting themselves to being niche because they think they’ve identified a profitable niche. A better plan than going up against YT and failing.

    Jessica: sheer poetry!


  6. blucollar10940

    I’m sure that you had to realize that the minute a company the size of Google makes a bid for and buys a site like You Tube, that content would become a real issue. There was just an article written in the local paper that talked about You Tube, and the problems that would be faced with content and in particular content that contains music, content that contains clips from TV series and more. Trust me, as the saying goes, it wil get worse before it gets better. There will be alot of legal going on with you tube because everyone and their brother wants to get paid for what they own, and Google will definetly try to make that site pg rated at best. The times, they are a changin, and so will You Tube.


  7. I hope to hell all the friggin videos of idiots dancing in their bedrooms DO get taken down!


  8. Michelle Malkin Type

    I will look for your videos “specifically” so I can click on the ‘inappropriate link’. Joy!


  9. Hahahaha, enjoy yourself!


  10. Blackberriesgirl

    Is there another site like youtube that has started up somewhere? I miss being able to watch my TV shows on youtube. I hope the creators that started YT start up another video posting site for free.


  11. I’m not sure what you’re looking for that isn’t on YT – any site that is showing copyrighted material without cutting a deal with producers is going to get shut down.


  12. brian

    i totally agree.

    this one is towards the community aspect of it, i left a comment on a few videos and all i seem to be getting back is rude comments on how “i don’t my stuff about cars” meanwhile im an auto mechanic for my school. i think i do know a little bit about cars to get there 😛

    the other thing im getting irritated with on youtube is the commenting system. it never works. for instance, i went to reply to a few personal messages i got, and it kept going “500 server error” then i finally got it to go through, and i had sent over 20 pm’s to the same damn guy. god damnit.

    i say, to hell with youtube.

    ps: i found this block by typing “YouTube sucks” into google search lol


  13. A tip on that “500 server error” – ignore it. The message goes through anyway so if you re-send ten time you send the person the message ten times. This problem has ALWAYS exist on YT and it is still to be fixed. The latest upgrade seems to be trying to address some of the commenting issues so maybe it will get better. But now they have a new problem: SPAM! Somebody is spamming inboxes and I don’t think they know how to deal with it.

    Yay! I’m the world authority on youtube suckage!


  14. I got my first video removed under this blanket “inappropriate content” statement. When flagging a video they claim that someone reviews the video and then gives it an up or down. I agree the secretive nature of this process is horrible.

    I mean, Wikipedia deletes articles but everything goes through a completely open process with debate and reasonable people taking reasonable actions. Bitchfights are exposed as being bitchfights and at least there’s nothing subversive about it.


  15. Yeah, I think YouTube has done a good job with the video side of things but has a long way to go with getting the community side right.


  16. Yeah, I was posting free video’s that I own on YouTube, and they pulled it off and banned my account. Didn’t explain why or for what reasion. Just pulled them off and killed my account. They suck now, and I will never post my work on there for free again. I’m talking about copywritten stuff I own and made and I’m letting them have access to it, and they turn me away… Fine, be that way…


  17. Citrus

    I am happy as hell that i bumped into your blog. I just closed my account 2 minutes ago because some ass flooded my comments with a two parragraph hate speech 45 times. I thought no big deal, i can delete them, but no, those fat-ass slackers wont take the time to fix the comment problem on anyones account. Ehhh, YT has gone to hell.
    You speak the truth


  18. Jeff: there are some things that deserve to be taken down (no idea what was in your vids) but the zero communication is a bad idea.

    Citrus: You want hate speech? Do a YT search on Angryaussie and nazi and see the responses to my anti-nazi videos!


  19. videoguru1977

    I found this blog by simply typing “youtube sucks” in google – which is EXACTLY how I feel! I was a member of youtube for less than a week before I got the flag for posting a scene from an “R” rated movie that received an Oscar a few years ago. Geez – silly me – I thought youyube was less prudish than the MPAA. BTW – I spent a few days browsing youtube to see what videos they allowed in all categories to make sure I knew where the “magic line” was so I wouldn’t cross it. It made ZERO difference because they are totally inconsistent!

    I imagine a bunch of silly idiots in a basement enjoying the power of pissing off the few contributors who post quality edited and formatted stuff because they can!


  20. Your bigger worry will be getting your account cancelled for posting scenes from movies. That isn’t happening too often yet but it will start happening more and more.


  21. Jeffrey

    I had four of my videos taken down for copyright infridgement. All four videos are taken from video games. There’s tons of videos of people making videos of there video game playthroughs. Whats the big deal? I own the games. Bastards all of them. They have the DMCA counter-notification however it will do you no good. YT never responds and the video still will not go up. Is there a site better than YT? They truly are way too uptight about the videos thats submitted.


  22. You don’t really have a leg to stand on with copyright infringement. I think telling people to take videos down for this reason is a stupid, counterproductive move but if someone tells YT to take a video down for copyright reasons they have no choice but to comply.

    Game footage is even dumber than movie/TV footage. But still, if the game publisher complains, YT doesn’t have a choice.


  23. mmm

    Wow. Just had the same happen to me. But worse, they took down my entire account for reasons unknown to me. Including all my carefully sorted favorites and friends. For that they will suffer. I will make them suffer, because they have taken away so much of my time and effort, and completely ignored this and did not even warn me about it beforehand. What a bunch of retards!

    They now claim I repeatedly uploaded inapproriate material, which is simply a lie. A former takedown of a few videos had to do with so-called copyright infringement, which was ludicrous, since even today still almost 50% of what can be seen on googlevideo is copyright infringement according to the MPAA or RIAA. Of course, like you already knew, nudity is their sensitive spot, as I’ve found out today.

    Thanks for sharing my thoughts. YouTube’s wanna-be interactive approach is a smokescreen for big-brother type datamining. They fucking suck, big time. Avoid them like the plague!


  24. I am sick of the 14-15 year old girls who dance around in their underwear on video and post it on youtube. That kind of shit should be banned. Is there any sites out there where people can truly post actual films that they worked hard on?


  25. I am sick of the 14-15 year old girls who dance around in their underwear on video and post it on youtube. That kind of shit should be banned. Is there any sites out there where people can truly post actual films that they worked hard on? That aren’t piled on by bullshit sexually suggestive videos?


  26. mmm: it certainly pisses me off that they don’t communicate properly.

    Fabioso: That stuff pisses me off too, but it’s lowest common denominator – what are you gonna do?


  27. We hope you approve!

    Let us know if you would like a link back to this blog to be posted with the video description.

    Anyone interested in helping with the revenge, please leave a comment on the video – we’ll be in touch!

    Be seeing you!


  28. Rob

    I have to agree: YouTube has become sadly akin to the stereotypical hypocritical Judeo-Christian uberauthority: They love those that hate them and hate those that love them. The worst part is the amateur tripe which they allow to hog valuable bandwidth. It’s almost inspiring to make a video and entitle it “Why YouTube shags sheep”. They’ll censor hard-to-find old music videos, but they won’t pay any scrutiny to teen drinking/fight videos. Whatever rationale they’re using, it’s pretty fucked…if you can even call it ‘rationale’. It’s nothing more than “If you don’t play by my rules which I modify to my whim for more contemporary popular material regardless of what I posted for all and sundry to see, I’ll take my ball and force you to go play elsewhere”. YouTube indeed shags sheep. I rest my case. Thanks!


  29. It’s nice to be a Google-recognised authority on “why YouTube sucks”. It seems like cathartic outpourings of frustration are popular.


  30. Joey

    I’m angry… I typed in “Michelle Malkin lesbian Video”, and I saw your bad video. Then I clicked the “inappropriate link” and more bad stuff came up! How should I know that stuff would come up? It’s not like you told me or anything!


  31. Joey

    BTW, your also on, “Youtube Sucks” lol.


  32. Joey: you searched for “michelle malkin lesbian video” and you were shocked that “bad” stuff came up? You sound a bit mixed up dude. Plus, yeah, it’s great to be a world renowned expert of why YouTube sucks 🙂


  33. Sara

    I completely agree with you on this. I found your blog by a “YouTube Sucks” search, as that’s exactly how I am feeling right now. I have a website that offers videos. People constantly take what I offer there and re-post them on YouTube, despite my specific requests not to. The ones that irritate me the most are my original creations, re-posted without permission or even a simple credit to the originator (me!). I have repeatedly complained to YouTube, but they never take any action. So I finally decided to stop fighting and put my own videos on YouTube with the attitude of “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” Heh. That was interesting. All my videos were rejected for terms of use violations within minutes. Yet the exact same videos are on YouTube right now, posted by people who didn’t create them and I can’t get them removed! How can THEY post MY videos, but I can’t post my OWN? I knew there was a reason I was avoiding YouTube all this time. Yeah, they suck.


  34. Inconsistency and an utter lack of communication are by far their worst sins. It sounds like you suffered both of them!


  35. Wow, this was single handedly the most beautiful post ever. I really have come to hate the youtube community for all the reasons you mentioned…


  36. It’s the voice of experience weirdokid 🙂


  37. Joey

    Mr Angry, I was kidding. I don’t go on You-Tube anymore, because common comments there go something like this:

    You Suck, **** you!
    No! Your mama sucks!

    But, what really got me turned off of You-Tube was the fact that, these people who are saying “You Suck” know nothing about the art/sport that the Vid was on.

    I was watching this video of a guy playing hockey, he was good! I should know this because I play hockey, and my life has been hockey for years, being in a hockey loving city. Someone comes on there and starts dissing this kid. I ask this guy if he has ever even seen a hockey game, he says, “No, hockey sucks! F YOU!”

    Why sir, if hockey sucks, are you watching the video in the first place? This boy’s craft does not appeal to you, and if you have no knowledge of it, then stay away. My god.


  38. Joey, there’s no mistaking that the lowest of the low pollute YouTube with their stupid comments.


  39. Captain Rednedneck

    My first YouTube account was suspended due to multiple instances of copyright infringement.
    So I created a second account. I thought that if I changed it to a director account I could upload videos that were longer than YouTube’s limit of 10 minuets, I was sadly mistaken. When I tried to upload a video that was longer than 10 minuets, it was rejected because it was too long.

    I’m never going back t0 YouTube. It hasn’t been the same since Google bought it.


  40. I don’t agree with copyright extremism but you only have yourself to blame if you get suspended for that reason. I’ve never heard of a director video being blocked because of time – there’s still the file size limit, maybe that was your problem. And I don’t think Google have made things worse, they’ve made them better if anything. The things that suck have sucked all along.


  41. Person

    Is anyone else going through this at youtube? I cannot post any comments! I have not psted anything that violates the Terms of Service. In fact, I have complained about a couple videos that were in serious violation but never did I do anything wrong. Now, no matter what I say, positive or negative, my comments never show up. I have tried creating mew account but they do not show up, ever. What is youtube’s problem?


  42. Hmmm, I don’t think this is YouTube, I think this may be a problem at your end. If you want to check, send a message to their support team – if you’ve been blocked, they’ll tell you.


  43. Thug8855

    Fuck youtube.
    I spent a few minutes there bored out of my mind than left and never returned.
    What is this, “youtube”? Television for the retarded?


  44. About 99% of the time you’re right. There are a few gems though – enough to give hope for the future.


  45. me

    i agree. YOUTUBE SUCKS. i uploaded a video then i immedialtly got “rejected terms of use violation”for NO REASON.

    down with youtube cernsorship


  46. OK, c’mon now, tell the truth. Did it contain porn (or even nudity)? Did it have copyright images or music?


  47. me

    and the “terms of use violation” just came up emmedialy after upload, it was a eminem music video, i checked the file detaild before to see copyright, there was no copyright part of it on, no logo in the video, and in the details it said “there is no rights or restrictions in this clip” yet they removed it for terms of use violation?!?!? and there are other videos of the song on there?!?!?! fucked up. fuck u youtube with ur crappy video filter. i am angry.


  48. I loaded a file onto youtube called “Cockporn.wmv”, and they haven’t blocked me; but the vid doesn’t contain Cock, or Porn…just a three year old kid and me…


  49. It sounds like YT have implemented their auto-filter. There’s no such thing as an “uncopyrighted” eminem video. Older copyright material is still up because the filter wasn’t working before. I think blocking uploads is stupid but that doesn’t change the fact you don’t have a legal leg to stand on. You might be pissed off at YT but they are doing what copyright holders are forcing them to do. I still think it’s dumb.

    And Gruntski, you are a sick man with your cockporn 😉


  50. youtubeisgae

    fuck youtube it removed so many anime things lets protest to get it removed help now.fuck youtube fuck youtube fuck youtube fuck youtube fuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtubefuck youtube


  51. Hmmm, here I’m torn between the fact I think the obsession with blocking copyrighted material is stupid and the fact that I fucking hate all the anime shit clogging YT. I wish they cull *all* that shit.


  52. John

    I completely agree how untrustworthy YouTube users are. They said something that they don’t know what they’re talking about. This user said one Japanese street racing game is a copy of an American street racing game, and that’s really pissing me off. The Japanese who did the car customizations on street racing video games first, not the Americans. (See Shutokou Battle/Tokyo Xtreme Racer/Tokyo Highway Challenge for the Sega Dreamcast) I flame that user and the user flames me back with a threat and poor grammar. I better find an alternative than those infidels of YouTube.


  53. portalghost

    I left Youtube because of those fucking trolls.

    Unless Youtube does something about the said trolls, I’m staying the hell away from there.


  54. aaaahha

    EVERTHING Fuckup when it gets FAME.. time to forget about youtube shit and look forward to another equal named site

    FUCK YOUTUBE hope it burns in hell


  55. ass

    Youtube sucks! It can kiss my ass. I hate how they take away all the good content. I’m off to rant.


  56. Youtube Sucks

    Youtube are evil bastards. They suspend people’s accounts on false copyright requests form, tv and production companies.

    I lost over five hundered videos because of the stupid thick staff at youtube. They recived an infringing copyright request for a video on my channel, from a firm in Holland thats thinks I was infringing it’s copyright. They are wrong and don’t own the copyright but it has a similar name. The copyright is owned by a uk tv firm called “thames” they do not exist like that anymore.

    Youtube Think they are judge jury and executioner. There is no easy way to contact youtube and youtube make it hard to contact them, so you can’t argue your case.

    If youtube are going to recklessly suspend people’s accounts, with no proper and fair way to appeal, then I ask all members of youtube, to boycot the crap youtube site. Youtube are nothing without it’s members.


  57. The trouble with the copyright issue is you don’t have a leg to stand on. I disagree with the current approach to copyright but YT are following the current status quo. And YouTube *are* judge, jury and executioner – it’s a private business and they can do close to anything they want. That doesn’t make it suck any less though.


  58. i see your point on YT i was ok i just never go back to the site because the stupidly porn and stop like that can’t even post a even post a video on 911 tribe on there with out some saying it was a inside job or yeah for the twintowers being burn it sicking what happen to care for others as they care for you what happen do people go Bananas


  59. Iva

    Yet another victim who hasn’t really done anything major…me:(


  60. punchpixie

    I totally agree. YouTube admins are stupid, capricious, arbitrary, and unaccountable to any kind of process or appeal. They just do shit without warning, usually completely wrongly for those of us who have complied with their terms of use and community guidelines.
    I had my ID deleted because of 39 comments I made over SIX MONTHS AGO which the admins decided, without warning, were repetitive (even though they were NOT repetitive, but were expressing a similar point of view on a dozen videos. The comments had no profanity, spam, vulgarity, or any other offensive language.
    Yet, my account was deleted, along with all my videos, without warning last week.
    Of course, I am completely pissed off at these idiots, and will not use their site anymore, but it boggles the mind how they believe their ‘business model’ will work when they so consistently alienate responsible people.

    Stupid, stupid, stupid. I leave them to their world of inane frame captures from slavic news programs, and to big busted photographs inserted as thumbnails to drive up view counts.


  61. Lucia



  62. youtube sucks.. -,- i got banned no reason


  63. fucking youtube deleted all my accounts, all of them, some didnt have videos, some from other emails, all because one of my accounts had a music video and it had like 5 seconds of south park and i get banned for life, fuck youtube


  64. Aaaaah, yes, this post is indeed a pearl in the making, marking a bygone period of YouTube’s problems back in the good ol’ 2006… only that this era of shittiness never really came about!
    It’s like the web 2.0 version of Groundhog Day on steroids being swallowed by Superman in a kryptonite costume!

    I’ve seen so many bad decisions by YouTube over and over and over again… perhaps it’s all just a boggling mindfuck experiment.


  65. I had a youtube account called: “JLDFilms” and they deleted it for no reason what so ever. I emailed them asking why and they told me I had a copyrighted video. Well, turns out that video was NOT on my JLDFilms account, but on my old account, mediatalkshow. The video that claimed to have abused the terms of violation was a game review about “The Simpsons: Road Rage”. The copyright was claimed by some company who had NOTHING to do with the video game at all. It’s not even a real company! Anyways, because of that video, they deleted my mediatalkshow account AND my JLDFilms account AND my old account from 2005, kwdude, Which somehow had copyright In them! And I made the damn videos on my own with MY camera, MY directing, MY actors, and my producers. Here is the EXACT email message I sent them:

    Original Message Follows:
    From: “Jared Campbell”
    Subject: My Account was deleted for no reason.
    Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2008 22:37:24 -0500

    Dear Youtube, My account, JLDFilms was deleted for no reason. I wasn’t
    even sent an email about hwy it was deleted. I had NO copyright on my
    videos what so ever.Each of my videos were original and made by me except
    two, which were very hard to find trailers. Please restore my account
    back, or atleast give me an explination on why it was deleted. – Jared

    Hi there,

    Your YouTube account has been suspended due to repeated claims of
    copyright infringement. Suspended accounts cannot be reinstated. Federal
    law requires that we terminate accounts when there are repeated claims of
    copyright infringement.

    Please view our Terms of Use:

    You might also want to check out our Community Guidelines:


    Poppy Priya
    The YouTube Team

    Original Message Follows:
    From: “Jared Campbell”
    Subject: Re: [#238576369] My Account was deleted for no reason.
    Date: Tue, 5 Feb 2008 23:56:57 -0500

    What video on my JLDFilms account was copyright?

    Hi there,

    The video you posted “Favorite Book of the bible”, “JACKASS TEENS: THE
    MOVIE TRAILER”, and “The Simpsons Four-Parter Part One: “Road Rage”
    contains copyrighted content owned by FOX, Viacom International Inc, and
    Televisa San Angel respectively which does not permit YouTube users to
    upload their content at this time.


    Poppy Priya
    The YouTube Team

    Original Message Follows:
    From: “Jared Campbell”
    Subject: Re: [#238576369] My Account was deleted for no reason.
    Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2008 25:44:17 -0500

    But those videos weren’t on the JLDFilms account.
    Coulden’t you have just deleted the accounts or videos that somehow
    “abused” the terms of violation? My JLDFilms account didn’t need to be suspended did it?

    That’s as far as the email has gone. When Youtube responds again, I WILL let you guys know.


  66. ????

    I personally hate the comment rating system on youtube.
    I enjoyed YouTube much better before they introduced it.
    I ask a question I don’t flame…
    Yet I get -6.

    People leave very hateful racist remarks on my videos.
    Does anything happen to these people? No!

    But what the administrators manage to do is remove my videos because they contain cartoon nudity.

    It makes me very angry.


  67. Jared Campbell

    You want a MUCH better video uploading site? MyspaceTV is what I use now due to Youtube banning me. On MyspaceTV you can upload videos that surpass ten minutes, If a user posts a bad comment you can report it to Tom and he will take care of them, I never see any Spam comments, There is so rating thing for you video just a thumbs up and thumbs down symbol, and the only thing you can’t upload is Copyrighted material or porn. That’s it. Much better than Youtube, and no one can accuse you of copyright unless Tom looks into it first.


  68. john

    Yeah, I don’t know what the hell those monkeys are doing but the video search is crap now. The comment system is screwy. People are banned, videos are removed, accounts are hacked(someone got in mine and used it to mass spam cam sites), and some channels get stuck with internal server errors. There are only bad music videos, American Idol, and worse than lonelygirl type fake chicks droning on under the ‘Videos’ tab for most viewed.

    How hard is it for someone to start up new video sites?


  69. Thomaniac

    Michelle Malkin is happily married to a man and has two children by him.
    This isn’t my idea of a lesbian you stupid fuck.


  70. manic, you’ve been completely taken in by her facade. the family is a cover, she’s a notorious rug-muncher. I personally have been lucky enough to take part in several orgies where I enjoyed the sight of Malkin’s well-oiled form eating pussy for hours as well as watching a line of hot women go down on her.

    Also, her husband writes all her stuff – the only “servicing” he actually supplies to her.


  71. Pingback: MySpace, forgive me. YouTube is worse than you! | Iva is me

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